
Product Highlight

We are proud to introduce ourselves as the leading Importer and whole sales supplier of Frozen Halal meat, sea food, and vegetable products.


Below is an extended list of our product list and variations. Not sure what fits your need? Give us a call.

Call us today for a consultation:
Beef TenderloinRalphs/McPhee
Beef StriploinRalphs/McPhee
Beef TopsideRalphs/McPhee
Beef Short RibRalphs/McPhee
Beef BrisketRalphs/McPhee
Beef OxtailRalphs/McPhee
Shrimps U/7 Black TigerSpring Field
Shrimps U/10 Black TigerSpring Field
Shrimps U/14 Black TigerSpring Field
Shrimps U/15 Black TigerSpring Field
Shrimps H/On 20/30Spring Field
Shrimps H/On 21/25Spring Field
Shrimps U/20Spring Field
Chicken Whole 900, 1000, 1100 gm: BrazilNAT
Chicken Whole 1300, 1400 gm: BrazilNAT
Chicken Whole 700, 900, 1000, 1100 gm: ArgentinaGranja
Chicken Whole 1300, 1400 1500 gm: ArgentinaGranja
BroccoliTomex2.5 kg x 4
Broad BeansTomex2.5 kg x 4
Brussel SproutsTomex2.5 kg x 4
CauliflowerTomex2.5 kg x 4
Cut Green BeansTomex2.5 kg x 4
Green PeasTomex2.5 kg x 4
Mixed VegetablesTomex2.5 kg x 4
SpinachTomex2.5 kg x 4
Baby CarrotsTomex2.5 kg x 4
Sweet CornTomex2.5 kg x 4
Hash Brown PotatoTomex2.5 kg x 4
Potato Wedges SpicyTomex2.5 kg x 4
French FriesTomex2.5 kg x 4
Pineapple Slice: ThailandSpring Field24 x 825
Fruit Cocktails: ThailandSpring Field24 x 825